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Rebecca Goldsmith Bryant


Mother  I  Wife  I  Artist  I  Educator


Studied at the University of New South Wales, College of Fine Arts and graduated with a Bachelor of Art Education. With six years of teaching behind me, I decided it was time to rekindle my love affair with mark making. Rather than just looking, appreciating art, I wanted to be a part of it again. I wanted to hold the palette knife and paint brush in my hand. Create something new and inspiring. Paintings saturated with colour. Too often, spaces are nuetral and without character. I wanted to infuse my art with the colour of life. Depths of the ocean, crashing waves, undulating tides. Ultramarines, turquoises and phthalo. These are my colours. 


I love layering and texture. I always seek to create depth in my art, multiple layers that the eye must wade through. And as the eyes look, they discover hidden elements that they missed at first glance. A white line here, a bubble there. My art is spontaneous and I never quite know when it will be complete. There just comes a moment when I know I must stop. I step back and literally think 'stop now'. Sometimes it is hard to make myself do this. The act of painting is just so hypnotic and when it is time to stop it is altogether disappointing. A journey at an end.    


I am a wife, a mother and an Art Educator. I have a loving and supportive husband, Paul Bryant and a cheeky little baby boy, Nathaniel Bryant. I also have, and have had, fur babies; Baby Bear, Indie and Kobie. Teaching is teaching. Sometimes it is overwhelmingly rewarding and other times the bureaucracy is mind-numbing The art of teaching holds me in its grip and I think I will always go back, for the students. To inspire, challenge and reward. 


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